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As the largest and fastest growing free, online community for education and training professionals, is home to thousands of members across the globe who gather online to share ideas, collaborate on projects and seek guidance from one another - both in real-time and at any time. members come from across the education, training, library, museum, public television, and continuing and lifelong learning sectors, and many have an interest in fostering engaging, human interaction live online. The community is a great way to meet other readers of the Learning in Real Time book and contributos and followers of the Real Time Minute.

Members of the entirely free community enjoy access to synchronous meeting spaces, virtual offices for global collaboration, live events, interviews, audio blogs, podcasts, aggregated online learning news, resource libraries, webcast recording archives, discussion forums and other member networking features, such as a searchable member database and instant messenger function.

One of the charms of the LearningTimes community is the typically quick response time and quality feedback from fellow members to inquiries and solicitations for ideas from peers. connects visitors to the Learning in Real Time site to an amazing community of peers.

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